Sept 8th: 14 Year Anniversary Celebrating the past. Trusting for the future.


A Wednesday encounter with teaching, prayer, communion & fellowship.

Welcome to Awaken!

This is a night full of purpose, promise, and power. Below are many ways to spend time in God's presence. Do one, two, or all eight. It's up to you! This is your time to get real with your Creator.

How can I connect with God during Awaken?

1. pray

No revival ever began without prayer! Prayer is simply a conversation with God about anything that is in your heart. Nothing is off limits! You can write your prayers down or say them out loud. Your words create worlds.

2. Soak/Rest

Find a comfortable space to sit or lay down. Clear your mind of all your worries and focus on Jesus' love for you. Engage your imagination and visualize Jesus as you become increasingly aware of His Presence around you. Rest in His comfort and peace.

3. Journal

Write a letter to God telling Him all of your doubts, joys, fears and sins. Push yourself to be honest and open, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. Then, when you’re done... ask God what He thinks and write down everything He says. Allow Him to give you a Heavenly perspective. When we take the time to listen, we discover that God is always speaking! 

4. Worship

Worship is simply connection with God. In this context, we are using music as our method of connection. Find a place in the auditorium to sing along and lift your hands as an act of surrender to God. Physical obedience brings a spiritual release. Every time we worship, something happens in the Spirit realm! 

5. read scripture

If you don't have your Bible with you, download the Bible app on your phone! Browse through the list of Bible plans and ask God to show you what to read. For a standard read, use the New American Standard Bible (NASB). For a modern-day paraphrase, use The Message Translation (MSG). For a poetic read, use The Passion Translation (TPT). For more info on how to study the Bible, read this article on the S.O.A.P Method.

6. Create

Maybe you like to write poetry, choreograph dances, draw pictures, or color. The very first thing the Bible tells us about God is that He is creative! (Genesis 1:1) Spend some time making art in His Presence and letting the love of Jesus inspire your work. Remember, we have access to the highest level of insight on earth- the Holy Spirit!

7. Communion

The Bible tells us to receive communion to remember that Jesus took on the punishment we deserved by dying on the cross for us (Luke 22:19-20). Because of him, we are no longer slaves to sin, and we can experience true freedom! We receive bread as a symbol of Jesus' body that was beaten and juice as a symbol for his blood that was spilled. As you visit the communion table, take a moment to thank God for His sacrifice. If there are any illnesses or strongholds in your life or the life of a loved one, ask God for healing in those areas. 

8. Give

The Bible tells us to give the first 10% of all we earn to the local church...this is called tithe. When we are obedient in tithing, we are choosing to trust God and make Him Lord over our finances and life. The Bible also talks about giving above and beyond our tithe... this is called offering. Once we decide to give over the 10th percent, a heart of generosity begins to grow inside of us. Our giving builds the ministry's mission, but it also builds us. The more we give, the more our church can impact the world. The more we give, the more we become like Christ. 

What are the prayer focuses today?

  1. Unity
  2. Love
  3. Renewing our minds

Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18